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August 11, 2021

In October 2019, Donald Trump announced he was switching his residency from New York to Florida. From a tax perspective, it made perfect sense.

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August 5, 2021

Detailed Report out of Albany Serves as Wake-Up Call for Both Public and Private Sector Employers

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August 2, 2021

In April, 2021 when we last looked at this subject, the Buffalo Bills applications to register the trademark "Bills Mafia" in standard characters (SN 90248260) and in a stylized design (SN 90248264) were stymied by another pending application to register the mark "Billsmafia" filed by Karina Lopez (SN 90051257).

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August 2, 2021

The latesat developments on the battle to trademark "Bills Mafia"

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July 26, 2021

The recent ruling from the Second Circuit is being seen as a win for consumers holding student loan debt, but the decision is very narrow in scope.

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July 15, 2021

Ending the eviction moratorium is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to addressing the struggles of landlords coming out of the pandemic.

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June 28, 2021

Why is the second smallest state in the country "home" to some of the most powerful corporations in the world? 

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June 23, 2021

In more than 30 years of practicing law, I have heard some common misconceptions about estate planning. These myths often center on the will drafting process which can result in intended beneficiaries not receiving what they should when you die.

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June 15, 2021

What constitutes a HIPAA violation? You might be surprised to learn how narrow the scope of coverage truly is.

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June 14, 2021

Ruling affirms right of employer to terminate an employee who refuses the COVID-19 vaccine.

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June 12, 2021

Summer is almost here, making it the perfect time to talk to your teen drivers about road safety

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June 11, 2021

The moratorium on evictions and foreclosures that has extended into a second year has been complex and ever evolving. My colleague, Jonathan Schechter, wrote about the impact on both landlords and tenants back in March.

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May 13, 2021

Across much of the United States, the residential real estate market is red hot. On the flip side, the COVID-19 pandemic has left tens of thousands of commercial properties empty and many multi-family properties underperforming.

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May 7, 2021

Very few people have the foresight to plan for the ending of something that is just beginning. Even if they think about it ahead of time, who wants to plan to sell the dream home you are just closing on?

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May 7, 2021

When the United States-Canadian border was closed to all non-essential business on March 21, 2020, few people imagined a scenario where the closure would last longer than a few months.

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April 29, 2021

None of us like to talk about our own eventual demise, but if there is one good thing to come from the pandemic, it is that it has opened the eyes of millions of Americans to the importance of having an estate plan in place.

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April 27, 2021

This is the first installment of a two-part blog exploring an important topic that is too often ignored: business divorce.

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April 21, 2021

When we last visited this subject in January, the Buffalo Bills’ own applications to register the trademark “Bills Mafia” in standard characters (SN 90248260) or in a stylized design (SN 90248264) had not yet been reviewed by an attorney examiner at the United States Patent & Trademark Office (“USPTO”).

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April 14, 2021

Choosing the lowest auto insurance premium may leave you vulnerable

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March 26, 2021

With more than six million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine already administered in New York, employers and employees both face an important question: can a company mandate its employees get vaccinated? 

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March 10, 2021

Attorneys are often referred to as counselors. It is an especially appropriate title in today’s world, as many of the messages and calls I receive are from people needing just that – counsel.

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