Contact Us
Whether this is your first time needing the services of an attorney, or you are seeking a fresh perspective on a business or personal matter, we welcome the opportunity to talk with you about how we can best meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
Use the form below and your inquiry will be directed the the attorney best suited to assist you. You can expect to be contacted promptly because, at Gross Shuman, we understand that when you have a legal question every minute counts.
We communicate with our clients every step of the way, because that is the way it should be.
If you are a member of the media looking to interview an attorney for a story, please reach out to the firm's Director of Marketing, Matt Chandler.
Haga clic aqui para un abogado que habla español.
Buffalo, NY
465 Main Street | Suite 600
Buffalo, New York 14203
471 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14202
Greater Toronto Area
1100 Burloak Drive
Burlington, Ontario L7L 6B2
Use this form to contact us via email. Please note: Sending an email through this form does not create an attorney client relationship or a relationship with Gross Shuman P.C. Please do not send any confidential information through this contact form. To email any of our attorneys individually, visit our attorney directory.