Legal Insights

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April 1, 2022

As we enter our third April under the cloud of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Mask mandates have been lifted in schools and public buildings, and it is expected that the mask mandate for public transit will soon end. 

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February 18, 2022

The border restrictions are easing, but that doesn't measn there aren't plenty of obstacles faced by Canadian busines owners seeking to hire employees based south of the border 

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September 2, 2020

With the U.S. Canadian border closed, e-commerce is more important than ever. Are you prepared for the potential pitfalls of selling across the border? 

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September 2, 2020

Want to buy, sell or even visit a house in Canada? The border closing has made it next to impossible 

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September 2, 2020

The Canadian government is taking safety very seriously when it comes to allowing Americans across the border for work. 

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December 1, 2016

Foreign Bank and Financial Account Reports (FBARs) are information returns required to be filed by any U. S. citizen wherever located and by an individual, person, business, etc. that files U. S. income tax returns and has a financial interest in or signature authority over non-U. S. financial accounts (including bank accounts, brokerage accounts, mutual funds and trusts) where the aggregate value of the accounts exceeds $10,000 U. S. at any time during the calendar year.

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February 3, 2014

For at least the reasonably foreseeable future, the “American Taxpayers Relief Act of 2012” (the “2012 Act”) ended the eleven-year saga in which the U.S. estate tax provisions changed almost annually, often dramatically.