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Kevin Lelonek Promoted to Member Attorney with Gross Shuman
by Matt Chandler
Kevin R. Lelonek was promoted to Member Attorney with Gross Shuman P.C.
Mr. Lelonek began his legal career with the firm as a law clerk in 2016. His stellar work led to him being offered a position with the firm upon his graduation from the University at Buffalo School of Law.
Kevin was mentored early in his legal career by a longtime Gross Shuman Attorney, the late, Bob Feldman. Bob taught Kevin the ins and outs of the commercial bankruptcy practice, and today, that is a cornerstone of Kevin's work at Gross Shuman.
He has also become a valued member of the firm's litigation team,handling complex corporate litigation matters across a wide-range of industries.
Kevin's complete bio can be found here. He can be reached at 716-854-4300 ext. 297, or [email protected]